
Tuesday 4 March 2014

the talks are stuck at midway


Circular No.6/VI/2014
March 4, 2014
Dear comrades,
The talks scheduled to be held on 13th February 2014, after our 48 hours strike, was to be postponed due to the preoccupation of the Chairman Negotiating Committee, IBA  with the external authorities outside the country.  Hence the 9th round of wage talks, was held at Mumbai, with all the eleven unions, as usual yesterday.
2.         The IBA team was headed by Shri T.M.Bhasin, Chairman, Negotiating Team, Shri Rajiv Rishi, CMD, CBI, Shri R.K.Dubey, CMD, Canara Bank, Dr.J.N.MIshra, DMD, SBI, Shri Shyam Srinivasan, CEO, Federal Bank, Shri Rakesh Sethi, ED, PNB, Shri M.V.Tanksale, CEO, IBA and Shri K.Unnikrishnan, Dy. CEO besides IR department officials of IBA.
3.         It was bolt from the blue IBA stuck to 10% wage increase on payslip components by reasoning alarming increase of bad loans in the Bank, huge provisioning for  pension as per the AS15 besides other external compulsions though it is not mandatory.  The 48 hours strike in February 2014 clearly demonstrated the seething anger of the workforce who are denied to have the share in the Gross profit cake ie; a minimum of 10% on the gross profit for the year ended 31.03.2012.
4.         The offer of the IBA was rejected by all the representatives of the Unions in one voice.  The other issues prioritised by UFBU in the morning meeting, were effectively placed to IBA team viz.,[i] 5 days Banking [ii] Regulated Working hours for officers [iii] improvement in Pension related issues [a] updation of pension [b] 100% DA Neutralisation and [c] Family Pension [iv] 100 reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses [self, spouse and dependents].
5.         The IBA proposal of 10% [ie] in quantum wise, payslip component of Rs.3150 crores together with Rs.260 croes for allowances etc., resulting in an overall cost of Rs.6740 crores with a condition tagged in the matter of loading of 2% for construction of pay scales.  The new emerging external environment in the matter of release of 10% to Central Govt., Employees and retired employee [to benefit 50 lacs + 30 lacs] coupled with merging 50% DA with basic pay as one of terms of the reference  in the 7th Pay Commission having a financial impact of over Rs.11000  crores, besides an agreement recently arrived in the steel sector exclusively for [BP + DA] increase and an interim relief of 27% considered by A.P.Govt.
6.         Tomorrow, the Chiefs of the PSBanks are scheduled to have a meeting with Hon’ble Finance Minister and also Secretary, DFS.  As per the reliable information one of the items listed for discussion is wage revision in the Banking Industry.  IBA has informed that they will revert back after the meetings to inform the position to unions
7.         AIBOA, as already expressed in clear terms, in retaliation to the FM statement on 11.02.2014, that we need reasonable respectable wage increase considering the four factors-risk, responsibility, accountability and transferability and also wage differentials earlier arrived at on account of Pay Commission from PCR period 1974.
8.         Every item is linked to a cost.  In the absence of the quantification of the cost on the issues raised in this round, IBA sought time to respond to our basic demands.
If we put it, the talks are stuck at midway, it is not an exaggeration.
Await  developments.
Yours comradely,

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