
Friday 8 November 2013

Parliament Morchas


Circular Letter No.8:VI:2013
October 30, 2013
®    Workers Parliament – Follow up Measures- Convention held on 6th               August   2013
®     C.T.U.s Parliament March on 12th December, 2013
®     Parliament March on 11th December 2013 organised by AIBEA on Banking Sector Issues
On 4th September, 2011, the Central Trade Unions viz., BMS, INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, AICCTU, UTUC, TUCC, LPF, SEWA  organised a “Workers Parliament” at New Delhi and unanimously resolved to escalate the programmes of actions against the anti-people and anti-labour policies of the Central Govt., highlighting the following points.
1. No Contractorisation of work of permanent / perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the industry / establishment.
2. Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the  schedules  and  fixation  of  statutory  minimum wage at not less than Rs. 10, 000/- linked with cost price index.
3. Remove all ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.
4. Assured Pension for all
5. Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of the ILO Conventions Nos. 87 and 98
Accordingly, AIBOA along with AIBEA, particpated in the “All India Stay out Strike” on 28th February 2012 and demonstrated our concern in common cause with Central Trade Unions.
The Government of India continued to be callously indifferent and was absolutely unconcerned with the massive response of the common people of our dear Nation.  While reviewing the performance of action by the “CTUs”, the following additional points to the earlier 5 point agenda making it 10 point charter.  The strike of 28.02.2012 received worldwide coverage too.
1.     Concrete measures to contain price rise
2.     Concrete measures for employment generation,
3.     Strict enforcement of labour laws,
4.    Universal social security cover for organized and unorganized            workers and creation of National Social Security Fund
5.     Stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State PSUs / Undertakings
Once again, AIBOA gave a call for a strike as per the decision of Office Bearers meeting held at Delhi on 5th February 2013.  During the interim period of one year the living condition of the citizen of the country deteriorated steeply.  As if the Govt., wanted to avert the “2 days strike”,  having sensed the mood and serious preparations by the total CTUs, a meeting of “G.O.M”. with TU leaders was arranged on 18.02.2013 at 8.00 pm.  The last minute attempt of the Government was nothing but an eyewash.  The strike on “20th & 21st February 2013” was a resounding success.  Unions in the Financial sector stole the show, as the lifeline of the economy was choked.
On review of the situation by the CTUs in the convention held at Delhi on 6th August 2013 Com.Alok Khare, Vice Chairman and Com.Sanjay Khan, Joint Secretary, represented AIBOA.  The convention decided the two stages of programmes of action ie; on 25th September 2013[Dharna] and the next one on 12th December 2013.[Morcha to Parliament]
AIBOA having always identified with the common people causes/issues and participated in the one/two days strike on”28.02.2012 and on 20th and 21st February 2013, naturally shall participate in the Morcha organised by CTUs on 12th December, 2013.
The lifeline of the economy is the Banking activities.  Having the capacity to handle a total business of the Rs.131 lacs crores business as on 20.09.2013, the importance given by the owner and the controller to the Financial system is absolutely scanty.  “New Licensing policy”, foreign Banks have been indicated to take over Private Sector Banks “Specialised Banks” and Banks are free to open Bank branches are some the pronounced approach of the RBI.  Non performing Assests – Bad loan portfolio of each Bank is on the rise and hence alarming.
AIBOA in its sixth conference held at chennai in December 2011, resolved to fight against the Government anti people, anti labour and also the Reforms policy that affects the Banking Industry too.
AIBEA,in its 27th conference held at Kochi, resolved to take up the issues affecting the Banking system to draw the pointed attention of Government of India through a “Parliament Morcha” on 11th December 2013.  Keeping up the tradition of fighting for the common cause in Banking Industry along with AIBEA, all our units are advised to participate in the Parliament Morcha on both days without fail.  More focussed attention shall be by the State Committees of “Delhi”, “Rajasthan”, “ Haryana”, ”Punjab” and  “UP” and hence they have to organise the officers for the Morcha in a big way.  Please take all steps to make the participation a meaningful and effective.
Yours comradely,

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