
Wednesday 6 November 2013

 Parliament Morcha on 11th December, 2013,

we have given the call for an exclusive Parliament Morcha on 11th December, 2013, to  highlight and focus our 30 Point Charter of Demands and issues in the banking sector,

With greetings,

Yours Comradely,


1. Right to banking to be made a fundamental right

2. Reverse Banking Reforms  

3. Do not privatise public sector Banks  

4. Do not give banking licence to corporate and business houses  

5. Do not reduce Government’s capital in PSBs  

6. Do not merge Public Sector Banks  

7. Stop closure and takeover of Associate Banks by SBI  

8. Delink Associate Banks from SBI and make them independent Banks  

9. Bring all private Banks into Public Sector  

10. Open more branches in rural areas  

11. Ensure more credit to priority sectors  

12. Give more loans to agriculture sector  

13. Recover bad loans in Banks  

14. Make recovery laws more stringent and effective  

15. Make wilful default as a criminal offence  

16. Merge RRBs with sponsor Banks  

17. Strengthen Co-operative Banks  

18. Exempt profits of Co-op. Banks from Income Tax  

19. Recapitalise ailing DCCBs in Uttar Pradesh  

20. Withdraw Prakash Bakshi Committee Report on PACS  

21. Stop closure of PACS and do not make them as Business Correspondents  

22. Improve Bank Daily Deposit Collection Schemes.  

23. Ban all unscrupulous chit fund finance companies  

24. Stop outsourcing regular and perennial bank jobs  

25. Stop private Banking Correspondents  

26. Stop outsourcing ATMs, Clearing operations, etc.  

27. Recruit permanent employees  

28. Adequate Recruitment in Banks  

29. Regularise the existing contract/outsourced employees  

30. Equal Pay for equal work

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